Thursday, September 1, 2011

As it already said......

( image of golden bull - wall street, NY, USA )

Investing our assets productively is a great deal..
Productively means it not just includes good returns but also secured principle too...
Unlike earlier days people started earning early but how to allocate your earnings to spending and saving is a great deal....
Once we think about investment we have so many options such as fixed deposits, securities, investing in metals, land, insurance, mutual funds, options, futures, swaps....hmmmm...
But what exactly matters is questioning yourself "what suits for me?". What is your own risk bearing capacity?
and so on....
Investment gurus tells so many terms by analyzing, interpreting, synthesizing, interrogating, and blah blah blah....
enough of introduction...
Now, justice for the title....
The most creeping investment of current days is GOLD...
within just couple of months it increased by 40% , no other investment yields you such returns. and it continuing its uptrend still....
So, we should think about it not just for the reason it is increasing but it is the advise of earlier people who are damn intelligent than investment gurus or fund managers.....